The key of this method is to apply the state transfer matrix between the initial state and the end state for iteration.
Among them, a Markov chain is used to describe the state of the market, and the con-version between the various states will be decided by the transfer matrix.
Parameters of Kalman forecast are designed according to requirements of system and subsequently, system state vector, state transfer matrix and observation matrix are determined.
The extended transfer matrix method is particularly fit for computing the steady state response of multibody system, and directly contributes to the analytic expression of steady state response.
Taking the nodal displacements and forces of column as state vectors, transfer matrix methods are used to analyse multi story frames. The transfer matrix of multi story frames is established.
The optical systems of ray optics and light polarization state transfer are simulated by personal computer with matrix optical method.
A state transfer matrix differential equation was derived from the three-dimensional equilibrium equations and constitutive equations of a homogeneous, isotropic linear elastic body.
A state transfer matrix differential equation was derived from the three-dimensional equilibrium equations and constitutive equations of a homogeneous, isotropic linear elastic body.