A matronly head appeared around a door.
Her matronly fame was trodden under all men's feet.
Women with large cup sizes are no longer restricted to matronly bras, the research found.
Rochester in her behalf; but, hard-favoured and matronly as she was, the idea could not be admitted.
Above the bed in his tiny, cigarette-strewn hotel room hangs a framed photo of him and the matronly AIDS worker.
Mary, a matronly young blonde, was washing dishes in the little back room that served for kitchen and dining room.
Then - the morning light still waxing stronger - old patriarchs would rise up in great haste, each in his flannel gown, and matronly dames, without pausing to put off their night-gear.
So Mrs Chick, who had her matronly apprehensions that this indulgence in grief might be prejudicial to the little Dombey (' acid, indeed, 'she whispered Miss Tox), hastened to the rescue.
When I peep out of my room in the morning and see the matronly French lady in a purple silk wrapper standing like the captain on the bridge surveying the morning I pop in again before she can see me.
Her older sister, Margaret, was matronly and dignified, probably from having assumed matronly and housewifely responsibilities too early in life, their mother having died when they were quite young.
Her older sister, Margaret, was matronly and dignified, probably from having assumed matronly and housewifely responsibilities too early in life, their mother having died when they were quite young.