Last year Mattel, the company that makes Barbie dolls, added some Barbies to its line that have different skin tones and hair textures.
Many black women are praising Mattel for its eff orts – Black Barbie hit the shelves in 1980 with white features shared by many of the dolls following her.
许多黑人女性对美泰公司所作的努力都表示赞许—具有白人特征的黑皮肤芭比在1980 年出现在货架上, 继她之后的许多芭比娃娃都拥有这种特征。
Toymaker Mattel has launched a new range of its Barbie dolls that sport sticker tattoos including flowers, stars and rabbits.
Mattel, which makes Barbie dolls, put on a fashion show to celebrate the leggy blonde’s 50th birthday. Guests received dolls of their own to take away.
Mattel sold three hundred thousand Barbie dolls in the first year at a price of three dollars.
From the first Barbie dolls, Mattel took care to dress them in detailed, fashionable clothes.
From the first Barbie dolls, Mattel took care to dress them in detailed, fashionable clothes.