ZD1 is cultured in liquid and wheat grain solid culture, and metabolic product is extracted to obtain water soluble and liposoluble matter for preparing nematode killing biological toxin.
As a byproduct of brewing industry, the "malt sprout roots" are still rich in raw proteins and water soluble N-free matter.
During the formation of oil-gas and migration process, some soluble trace elements in the sedimentary organic matter will be separated and dissolved in the associated water.
Water-soluble organic carbon(WSOC) was as an important component in the transport and supply of carbon(C) to microorganisms and played a major role the cycle of soil organic matter.
Application of sequential extraction technique in soil se into five forms: water soluble, exchangeable, acid soluble (carbonate and manganese oxides), organic matter bound and residual.
Application of sequential extraction technique in soil se into five forms: water soluble, exchangeable, acid soluble (carbonate and manganese oxides), organic matter bound and residual.