Maximum database size for crawler 2GB 2GB
爬虫的最大数据库大小2GB 2GB
When users reach the threshold or maximum quota for their mail database, they see error dialog boxes that require them to take steps to reduce the size of their mail database.
Partitioning a database across multiple partitions lets you increase the maximum size of your table by a factor of the number of partitions in your environment.
The first option is to set the actual database quota, which is the maximum size that the database can attain before quota errors are sent to users.
For example, an administrator can figure out what is the maximum number of database connections or optimum number for prepared statement cache size that should be used to handle a real world load.
The stat_heap_sz or the statistics heap size database configuration parameter indicates the maximum size of the heap used in collecting statistics using the RUNSTATS command.
stat_heap_sz或统计信息堆大小的数据库配置参数指定了使用RUNSTATS 命令收集统计信息中所用堆的最大尺寸。
The maximum size tested for a Lotus Domino database is 64 GB, which actually is limited by the underlying operating system.
To minimize the time that it takes to recover an individual database, configure storage limits for the mailbox and public folder stores to constrain databases to a maximum size limit.
Therefore, it is possible that this database contains enough free space to bring its logical size below the maximum size limit.
For the Enterprise Edition, there is no default configured database size limit, and no software set maximum size.
For the Enterprise Edition, there is no default configured database size limit, and no software set maximum size.