The effects of ignition delay on the maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise are very noticeable;
And the maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise vary approximately linearly with the concentration.
Some characteristic parameters, the maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise etc, can be tested by using this experiment system.
Some characteristic parameters, the maximum explosion pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise and explosion time etc, can be tested exactly by using this experiment system.
Since the ignition delay of DME is shorter than that of diesel, thus makes the lower value of maximum cylinder pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise and combustion noise.
Some characteristic parameters, under different initial pressures, the maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise ect, can be tested by using the experiment system.
In addition, the history of the maximum explosion pressure rise rate is changed with the variation of aluminum powder contents...
In addition, the history of the maximum explosion pressure rise rate is changed with the variation of aluminum powder contents...