The unit of measure is ohms, and it is usually specified as a maximum rating.
The IX2120B's 1400v absolute maximum rating provides additional margin for high voltage applications.
The combined compressor rotor in not able to reach the maximum rating speed on test bench because its level of vibration is very high and exceeds vibration limits.
Assuming a 12v system in which all the components are properly specified, these circuits can survive load dumps, thanks to the 76v absolute maximum rating for the IC's input-power terminal, VIN.
A maximum throughput of around 70% of the NIC rating is not unusual.
NIC 速度的 70% 的最大吞吐量比较常见。
There is also no maximum PVU rating for the underlying server or virtualization session where the DB2 Enterprise software is running.
这个版本对运行DB2Enterprise的底层服务器或虚拟化会话的最大 DB2 和 IBM 的处理器价值单元定价率也没有任何限制。
So at maximum RPM the total lifting capacity of the VERT-LEVS give us a new lift rating in this particular neo concept aircraft in question, known as VLT Max.
Caution: Do not exceed the maximum pressure rating of the tank.
When evaluating either maximum voltage or maximum current levels, the power rating of the relay must also be considered if the specified life is to be attained.
The standard rating cycle for the lift generation system needs to generate at approximately 25% above maximum allowable loaded take off weights.
The clinical rating score improved significantly because of improvements in the pain, activity, maximum walking distance, and gait subscales.
A high isolation, efficient and well-thought construction and the use of geothermal energy as the primary energy, allow the maximum energy rating.
To prevent damage to the switch card, verify that the product of the maximum current and maximum voltage does not exceed the power rating of the switch card.
Never exceed the maximum pressure or flow ratings of any component in your system the component with the lowest rating determines the maximum performance available from your system.
The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical.
After combustion calculation of different nozzles are finished by using maximum firing pressure and fuel consumption rating as indexes, reasonable nozzle's parameter is found.
Note the maximum power rating denoted on it.
It is important to ensure that the total cell voltage across the string does not exceed the common mode voltage rating and the maximum voltage level of the switch module.
If you put your offices and business hotels on a section of road that has a green passenger rating, the office or hotel will make maximum income.
If you put your offices and business hotels on a section of road that has a green passenger rating, the office or hotel will make maximum income.