Finally, the results of the two methods and the curves obtained in simulation are given. This paper may be helpful to study short circuit current of more complicated loop power supply networks.
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The study results suggested that the measurement of nuclear DNA of tumor cells may be helpful to ascertain the degree of differentiation and malignancy of nephroblastomas.
To study the cell differentiation and differentiating markers in ameloblastoma and this may be helpful in histological diagnosis and prognostic prediction.
The study on expression of glucose transporter in placenta may be helpful to elucidate pathogenesis of fetal growth restriction(FGR), and provide new ideas for prevention and treatment of FGR.
It may be helpful to the students study, and it can also improve the students skill of using Mongolian language, which can make their life easier.
The pathologic study of whole lung may be helpful to the treatment and prognosis prediction of this kind of disease.
To combine with the test results, the paper recommends a series of design parameters that may be helpful for design, construction and further study work.
On the basis of these results, we will study the function of FSH1, which may be helpful for us to find the pathogenic mechanism of tinea capitis caused by M. Canis.
期望本实验结果能为FSH 1功能分析奠定一定基础,为FSH1在犬小孢子菌所致头癣发病机制中的作用提供一定的依据。
On the basis of these results, we will study the function of FSH1, which may be helpful for us to find the pathogenic mechanism of tinea capitis caused by M. Canis.
期望本实验结果能为FSH 1功能分析奠定一定基础,为FSH1在犬小孢子菌所致头癣发病机制中的作用提供一定的依据。