Maybe I should say sorry to her.
Maybe I should say nice to see you.
So, maybe I should say this is minus physics.
Maybe I should say - in Aston we learn not only language, but also culture.
Or maybe I should say total square deviation instead. What do I mean by this?
I am just happily (maybe I should say most of the time) tackling my challenges and pursuing my dreams.
The next step is the hardest or maybe I should say it takes a lot of time to get this to look just right.
Recently I have been experimenting a bit with reading newspapers on my mobile phone (a G1 android device), or maybe I should say “reading news on my mobile”.
I wouldn't have thought a View from the Bridge was worth much discussion, but it has gotten such very-important-picture treatment from the press... that I think maybe I should say a few unkind words.
"Maybe we should try it," I say.
I should say maybe for the rotation part of a motion.
'Yes,' I say, 'maybe I should write my story in chalk on the pavement and sit down beside to hear what people would say.
"They'll say, 'Oh, my gosh, I should apply to a million schools - if I shoot lots of arrows, maybe I'll hit something,'" she says.
They could scare you into saying just about anything, maybe scare me, I should say, but actually believing it is a much more difficult proposition.
I ask should we maybe say a prayer.
Maybe I should just say that it appears different colors to me.
Hobbes may, I think, overestimate or maybe I really should say underestimate the difficulty of the book but he returns to this again at the very end of Leviathan.
Yes, ' I say, 'maybe I should write my story in chalk on the pavement and sit down beside to hear what people would say.
Maybe I should be more cheerful to say, some of us will be promote too, and I might in there too.
"There are those who say maybe I should forget about football. Maybe I should forget about breathing." Gerard Houllier.
And, maybe I should also say in words, this is the component of the gradient in the direction of u.
Actually, maybe, I should say 'gayer'.
Rose: you have to represent yourself well. Maybe you need a boy as a ticket to the inner circle. I should say Tony is a good choice.
But right now, maybe they say, Oh, maybe we should be looking around tennis. So I think even we do more.
Well, I say maybe it should have been, because the quicker you build something, the shorter a time it lasts, and the shorter a time it lasts, the sooner people have jobs again, replacing it.
我会说也许它早该在一天内建造完成,因为你盖得越快,它延续的时间越短,而它延续的时间更短,大家才会更快有工作可做,将城市加以更新。 更新必需品让人有事情忙。
So one day at my meeting of just my direct reports, I said "maybe I should stop interviewing", fully expecting them to jump in and say "no, your interviews are a critical part of the process."
So one day at my meeting of just my direct reports, I said "maybe I should stop interviewing", fully expecting them to jump in and say "no, your interviews are a critical part of the process."