Me and my girl had a nasty breakup after months of me not just falling, but running headlong into the depths of depression and self-destruction.
A girl was trying to come between me and my girlfriend and it got really stressful and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, all that stress on top of me, school and people.
My little sister is a curious girl and she always asks me different kinds of strange questions.
Whenever I get into trouble in my life, I think about that little girl and the unforgettable lesson about life she taught me.
I was so surprised and I could feel my face turning red, because when I opened the door, there at the front door and stood Sarah Westly—the quiet girl who sat next to me in music class—and she was holding a box.
But there is a romance with this city for me that began with my imagining it as a little girl, and it's a romance that continues to this day.
One girl even walked me to the door of the hostel upon my first arrival, and showed me where she lived in case I needed any help later.
And I faced down my own confusion as a mother, as a woman, about the issues that raising a girl raises in me about my own femininity.
My parents always taught me to dress well and look my best — to be a class act when I take a girl out.
To the girl of my dreams and the mother of our child: you are the only Valentine for me.
Then I opened the other eye and saw the image that made me lose my voice.There on the other side of the bed was a girl in a crimson red dress smiling at me.
Then I opened the other eye and saw the image that made me lose my voice. There on the other side of the bed was a girl in a crimson red dress smiling at me.
Then he went to the girl and said, "my child, if I do not chop off both of your hands, then the devil will take me away, and in my fear I have promised him to do this."
Today, the main girl who bullied me in high school came into my office apologizing and pleading for a job. I'm still thinking about it. MMT
Today, the main girl who bullied me in high school came into my office apologizing and pleading for a job. I'm still thinking about it. MMT.
3: I was taking this gorgeous girl out for the first time and really wanted to impress her with my patents' new car, but it was no dice — Dad told me I was too young.
We tried to forget what he had seen and heard but not 5 minutes later I looked out of my room and saw that girl in the red dress looking at me and smiling.
When I was a little girl, my grandfather loved to play number games with me and my siblings.
A great body is important to me. I take care of my body and know the dedication and discipline it takes, so I can already tell the same thing about a girl if she has a nice body.
My mother expected me to be a "good girl" and excused any naughtiness from my brother.
Today, at the food court in the mall, a beautiful girl about my age came up to me and hugged me with tears in her eyes.
As I walked away, her father grabbed my arm and turned me around, saying, my little girl is probably not going to make it.
We had one regular servant, a fisherman's wife, and the oc- casional help of a big, red-faced girl who ate a whole pot of jam while my mother was at church and ac- cused me of it.
我们长期雇佣一位仆人,她是一名渔夫的妻子。 此外,一个脸颊通红的高个子姑娘偶尔也来帮忙,她在母亲去教堂时吃了一整罐果酱,回头来却告我的状。
My mother used to drive me to a lot of movies when I was a little girl, and I ended up seeing a lot of the great films of the 60s and 70s.
On my way out through the main doors a girl suddenly appeared and asked me, that if I was really short of cash, she was willing to lend me some, in order for me to get home.
The intimacy between me and my friends is vanishing, and I feel I am missing out on a period of time that should be the happiest for a girl my age.
Today at the Atlanta airport, as I walked off a plane dressed in my Army uniform, a little girl grabbed my hand and asked me if I would be going back overseas soon.
Today at the Atlanta airport, as I walked off a plane dressed in my Army uniform, a little girl grabbed my hand and asked me if I would be going back overseas soon.