Strong myrrh scent with hints of meadowsweet.
Contains: red clover leaf and flowers nettle and meadowsweet leaf calendula chamomile and lavender flowers gotu kola leaves and a pinch of stevia.
Some of the plants have obituary names: Iris, Basil, Rue, Rosemary, and Verbena. Some, like meadowsweet and cowslips, sweet flag and spikenard, are like the names of Shakespeare fairies.
有的植物名带不祥(iris、basil、rue、rosemary,andverbena),而有的植物名字就如同莎士比亚的小仙女(meadowsweet、cowslipss、sweetflag andspikenard)。
While not as potent as willow, which has a higher salicin content, the salicylates in meadowsweet do give it a mild anti-inflammatory effect and the potential to reduce fevers during a cold or flu.
While not as potent as willow, which has a higher salicin content, the salicylates in meadowsweet do give it a mild anti-inflammatory effect and the potential to reduce fevers during a cold or flu.