Researchers estimate that the accelerating flow of glaciers in West Antarctica is contributing about 10% of the observed rise in the mean global sea level.
It passes through some of the worlds highest mountain passes in the world, with a mean altitude in between 2 to 3 miles above sea level.
Mass balance of Antarctic ice sheet and mean sea level are the factors in global change study.
The focal plane of the light is 200 feet above mean sea level, and in clear weather it should be seen at a distance of 23 nautical miles.
Height: the altitude of your observing site above the mean sea-level, in meters.
And, a common requirement is the transformation of GPS heights into heights above mean sea level.
Pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere. at sea level it has a mean value of one atmosphere but reduces with increasing altitude.
The level of the ocean's surface, especially the level halfway between mean high and low tide, used as a standard in reckoning land elevation or sea depths.
The coastal boundary condition is commonly set to be the mean sea level in existing models of regional coastal groundwater flow, neglecting the influence of tides.
In order to evaluate the vertical offset, it is essential to know the geopotential of the mean sea level and of the geoid as well.
The effect of mean sea level rise is shown by the standing tide wave in the shallow Water areas of the continental shelf.
First, the defmation and status of height datums is introduced and some problems on the local height datums established by the mean sea level, which is defined by the tide gauge data, are discussed.
However, before the Bohai Earthquake, occurred in the Gulf of Bohai in 1969, the mean sea level was lowered for a long period of time.
This value was intended to represent the mean atmospheric pressure at mean sea level at the latitude of Paris, France.
The error of current ocean tide model affected global mean sea level in the periods of about 60 and 90 days.
The error of current ocean tide model affected global mean sea level in the periods of about 60 and 90 days.