Sense: the specific meaning of a specific word; the shade of meaning within a synonym set given by a specific word form.
There is an air of heaven about the word. This makes some sense in the context that the Latin root is often given as meaning "uplifted."
Now the word “ciao” is casual, but its meaning “slave, ” harkens back to “I am your slave, ” the same sense of respect a person signing off with “your humble servant” tried to convey.
The sense of the sentence pushes us on to the next line, which alters our view of the meaning of the word "fruit:": "Of Man's First Disobedience and the Fruit / of that Forbidden Tree."
In the analyse of sense and reference of concept phrase, the part makes an analysis on his "concept-word meaning concept" and thinks it is obscure.
The meaning of the word, when used in this sense, is vague.
"See" express visual sense, it is the behavior of modern Chinese oral use a word of high frequency, meaning is very rich, particularly strong function.
An English compound, which is usually made up of two stems, is used as one word in the sense of grammar and meaning.
Memorizing the spelling of words is also very helpful in the sense that the student that knows how to spell the word most likely also knows the meaning of the word.
So in addition to reference, there is another dimension of word meaning called sense.
As a matter of fact, however, even the term "right" in the sense of modern times is a "return word", meaning that it originated from China and developed in Japan and then introduced back to China.
This paper analyses some factors concerning the selection of word sense and the understanding of sentence meaning. These are two kinds of focus, probability and politeness principle and so on.
This paper analyses some factors concerning the selection of word sense and the understanding of sentence meaning. These are two kinds of focus, probability and politeness principle and so on.