First, a measured amount of white solid is taken.
However, the amount of helium in the universe, as measured by spectroscopy, suggests that there are far more baryons in the universe than estimates based on galactic luminosity indicate.
Others say it puts a limit on the amount we can know about the universe, since we only know what state a particle is in once it is measured.
If coverage is measured throughout the lifecycle of the product, it is easier to estimate the amount of testing that remains to be done, which in turn helps to make the schedule predictable.
She named the other radium. She measured the amount of radioactivity, an atomic property, and felt that the radioactivity was proportional to the amount of the element.
In the third phase of the experiment a male was placed in the cage over the box where the female had once been, and the amount of aggression towards this male from the nesting male was measured.
The researchers used a focused beam of caesium ions to dislodge molecules of water from the inclusions and measured the amount with a mass spectrometer.
Iranian scientists took blood samples from 266 women aged 20 to 40 and measured the amount of anti-Mullerian Hormone, or AMH, in their bodies.
The space-time ripples cause the distance measured by a light beam to change as the gravitational wave passes by, and the amount of light falling on the photodetector to vary.
One particular index measured the amount and intensity of applause each speaker received.
Partners are increasingly measured and rewarded as managers of people, not just for the amount of money they bring in.
All the study participants met regularly with their doctors, and each patient's response to treatment was measured on a pain scale, as was the amount of pain medication required.
They measured the amount of testosterone in their subjects' saliva.
The amount of heating (measured by looking at the X-rays emitted by the extremely hot gas) depends on the mass of the cluster, and can be used to estimate how much stuff is there.
Scientists in the U.S. measured the amount of testosterone in saliva samples taken from 500 male and female MBA business students at the University of Chicago.
Kb_wrtn: Reports back the amount of data (kilobytes) from your measured interval that is written.
Kb _ wrtn:报告在测量间隔中写入的数据量(单位为千字节)。
Kb_wrtn: Reports back the amount of data (kilobytes) from your measured interval that is written to the physical volumes.
Kb _ wrtn:报告在测量时间间隔中向物理卷写入的数据量(单位为千字节)。
Scientists took blood samples from more than 100, 000 people and measured the amount of fat in their circulation, in the form of cholesterol and triglycerides.
And measured by the amount of carbon in their bodies-rather than total weight-jellies consume and incorporate as much prey as fishes do, acuna's team found.
The benchmark sent a request for 200 stocks to the server and measured the amount of time from when the request went out to when the data was ready to be used to create the Adapter for the ListView.
This point, p, was there, and the amount by which the things have moved can be measured either here or here.
Due to the rather small amount of data no significant differences in the execution time could be measured.
The light perceived by the human eye is measured in units called lumen-hours.This is about the amount produced by burning a candle for an hour.
The light perceived by the human eye is measured in units called lumen-hours. This is about the amount produced by burning a candle for an hour.
Latency is the amount of time (usually measured in milliseconds) that a packet of data takes to get from one point to another and then back in a round trip.
They asked the participants to look for a particular sort of expression, and measured the amount of time it took them to find it.
This theory says that the amount of information in a system can be measured in terms of its entropy.
Maturity levels are measured by the amount of success the organization has in achievement of identified goals for the areas or operational entities of the domain in question.
The amount of sky that you can view through a telescope is called the real (true) field of view and is measured in degrees of arc (angular field).
The amount of sky that you can view through a telescope is called the real (true) field of view and is measured in degrees of arc (angular field).