Building a measurement and test system to run on a network, one of the problems needing to solve is remote data access.
An automatic measurement and control system is required to test active temperature and revertive temperature.
Several factors can affect test system speed, including measurement time, the source response time, and the switching time.
The theories frame, design project and test process of the objective measurement system are introduced and the technical nods are discussed.
Track and learn cutting-edge technology and measurement standards, analysis, design, develop corresponding test system.
It can be used in the flight test of aircraft performance, controllability, stability, and aircraft system, as well as the flight path measurement of some guided weapons.
On the basis of the relevant theory of colorimetry, a test system is designed for object color appearance measurement and its color-difference evaluation using photoelectric integrating method.
The paper presents the operating principle of MMIC test system measurement method and test programmer.
The system can perform automatic synthesis calibration of much more types of ATE and Special Purpose Test Equipment. Servicing efficiency and quality of measurement support is improved.
The Quality Department is responsible for the calibration of the inspection, measuring and test equipment as well as the analysis of the measurement system.
The paper presents the composition, functions, technical performance and research of the solid rocket ramjet engine ground test equipment and measurement control system in detail.
System test shows that the designed system can meet the need of high precision length measurement in iron and steel enterprises.
Methods: Various kinds of check-up and test and questionnaire investigation methods are used to evaluate the quality control system for measurement of being effective and reasonable.
In this paper, the design of the frequency measurement and correcting system can be achieved with less cost, and it also offered the system performance test.
Pyroelectric detector and fast respond infrared radiometer are used in the system to carry on the measurement, and effective data processing method is adopted to improve the test accuracy.
The main test signals of urban track vehicle bogie measurement system are accelerations, strains and voltages.
The function and working principle of a digital analytic system for transformer impulse test measurement are introduced.
As the temperature measure system is large and complex in the large space fire test, the factors affecting measurement precision increase.
The Mini Remote Measurement System (RMS) based on auto test and total station theodolite technique was designed.
Also the measurement system for testing and test results are presented This test can provide original data for estimation of combustion instability in solid rocket motors.
The storage measurement system is utilized for the shooting test, and the effective signals have been obtained.
In test and measurement system, if the dynamic characteristic of sensors can not meet the requirement, sensors will cause dynamic errors.
This paper introduces the principle of waveguide microwave leak test system, illustrates the formation and the realization of amplitude measurement unit and display-control unit in detail.
This paper discusses the errors in verification system of small volume measurement instrument, and gives a detailed analysis on the test ways of small capacity measuring instruments.
PSI8400 pressure test system is of high precision pressure measurement equipment produced by PSI Inc. of USA and it is used in pressure measurement test of wind tunnel widely.
P SI8400电子压力测试系统是美国压力系统公司生产的高精度的压力测量设备,广泛应用在风洞压力测量试验中。
The possibility of using transient waveform digitizer in TOF measurement is discussed, and a test system designed for the research is introduced.
Introduced are its construction, performance, measurement and control system, automatic data acquisition and processing system, test results of calibration model and analysis, features and USES.
This paper introduces the principle of operation and system structure of CCD sensor in the photoelectric precision measurement diameter system. The test circuit is given.
In this paper, we have introduced the structure and operation principle of CCD Transducer System in the measurement yarn diameter. The test Circuit and Microcomputer COntrol is given.
The leaking time of glass pearls was measured through the system, and the measurement result coincides with that of theory computing, which shows the simulation test system is feasible.