Some proposals and measures for the aluminum pollution control.
The measures of prevention and control for the pollution are presented in this paper.
Several measures provided for control pollution by particulate matter to raise the quality of intravenous injection.
For the status of soil pollution, harm, cause, suggested a solution of soil pollution control measures, improvement of soil pollution that give theoretical support.
Considering the character of highway bridge construction, the article illustrates the impact of bridge construction on aquatic environment and proposes some control measures for water pollution.
Control strategies are source control, control on the way, end control and structural and non-structural measures for urban non-point source pollution.
The paper analyses the current status of the dust pollution in Xiamen City, approaches the main reasons of the dust pollution, and then puts forward several prevention and control measures for it.
The present status quo of traffic noise pollution in the urban area of Kaifeng was investigated, and some of related control measures for urban traffic noise were proposed.
The basic pollution investigation and database are thereof proposed for Three Georges Area to provide scientific basis for assessment of agricultural environment quality and overall control measures.
Third, some practical measures for the pollution control of Qinhuai River were suggested.
This article analyzed air pollution situation in China and its causes, and put forward biological measures for control of air pollution.
This article analyzed air pollution situation in China and its causes, and put forward biological measures for control of air pollution.