Software for controlling transport system and measuring stage positioning accuracy programmed by TP801 single board computer is presented in the paper.
The basic principle of measurement is presented. The optical system, hardware controlling system and measuring software are designed.
The functions of the software system include controlling the hardware, searching satellite and measuring the main parameters of the antenna.
The application of the DS1820 digital temperature sensor in the measuring and controlling system and software design is discussed detailedly in the paper.
The circuits of measuring and controlling are designed and implemented. The application software including interfaces and measuring modules of preprocessing devices is fully developed.
Software, hardware and the basic operation principle of CCD dynamic and non-contact on-line measuring-controlling system for ribbon width are discussed.
MCS-51 microcontroller principle hardware is introduces and software used in blow energy measuring and controlling of screw press.
介绍了MCS - 51单片机用于螺旋压力机打击能量测控的原理、硬件结构和软件的设计方法。
Its structure, selection of measuring and controlling components, and the related software development are detailed.
The function and construction of MAX6625 are introduced, and its work principle is analyzed. The circuit using MAX6625 and software for temperature measuring and controlling are shown.
The hardware and software design method that measuring and controlling system of constant temperature constant wet box have been introduced.
The hardware and software design method that measuring and controlling system of constant temperature constant wet box have been introduced.