This paper presents a new insertion sensor for quick measuring moisture content of cereals, oilseeds and oils and it's working mechanism, structure and functions.
Using this sensor we can make instrument and automatic system for quick measuring moisture content of cereals, oilseeds and oils.
WPR-105 type copra moisture content of microwave radarmeasuringinstrument is our self-developed high-performance, intelligent digital custom water-contact measuring instruments instruments.
By measuring different kinds of soil with different compactness and moisture content, the authors put up a new law of SX water-retardation in a state of instantaneous impulsion.
This paper presents an automated measuring system of moisture content for grain storage based on CAN, introduces the principle, hardware structure and software flow of the system.
Comparing with the other sensors, the digital temperature sensor DS1621 and the insertion sensor for measuring moisture content of cereals are of easy use, high precision of measuring and so on.
This paper shows a method of measuring the moisture content of tobacco with capacitance.
It is difficult for measuring of thermal conductivity of fruit and vegetable by common testing method as its high moisture content.
It is important to measure moisture content of grain quickly but it is difficult to measure quickly and accurately because the effect factors of measuring are complicated.
A method for measuring the grain moisture content by means of vibration frequency is presented.
With the apple and chilli being taken as typical materials, the specific heat of rural subsidiary occupation products with high moisture content and its measuring methods are studied.
If only dielectric loss Angle of grain was measured, the measuring system can get grain moisture content by seeking table and calculating.
If only dielectric loss Angle of grain was measured, the measuring system can get grain moisture content by seeking table and calculating.