Results 40 cases IMS patients were given endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation with cholinesterase agent, 36 cases were rescued, 4 cases died, success rate was 90%.
Conclusion: the good mechanical ventilation in patients with care can greatly increase the survival rate of patients.
Two groups were compared with the rate of tracheotomy, ICU stay time, mechanical ventilation, ventilator-associated pneumonia incidence, the time of analgesic use and other indicators.
Objective to compare the food reflux rate caused by 3 kinds of nasal feeding methods in patients with mechanical ventilation to seek for the safest feeding method.
Conclusion: The comprehensive treatment with mechanical ventilation as early as possible should be an important measurement for enhancing rescue success rate of HMD.
Objective:To observe the effect of advanced interfere treatment on rate and prognosis of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage caused by traumatic mechanical ventilation.
In a cohort of 352 ARDS patients both mortality rate and incidence of right heart failure were related to the level of plateau pressure during mechanical ventilation.
Conclusion Early mechanical ventilation onto postoperative elderly patients can decrease the incidence of respiratory failure, and increase the rate of survival.
Conclusion the use of mechanical ventilation in patients with critically SARS may increase the rescue rate.
Conclusion the use of mechanical ventilation in patients with critically SARS may increase the rescue rate.