The mechanism of load transfer on the vertical loading through the analysis of squeezed branch piles' field static loading test is analyzed.
The bond prestressed anchor ropes have been used in slope engineering, however, the mechanism of load transfer of bond section is not clearly seen.
Based on the mechanism of load transfer and deformation of discrete material piles, the relationship between stress and strain of pile and soil is analyzed.
It is unsuitable to use the theory of common small-medium piles to analyze LDPs, because there are distinguished differences in the mechanism of load transfer and deformation features between them.
The results clearly illustrate the load transfer mechanism in the deep pile cap and the subsequent failure mode of two-way shear.
In this article, the bearing capacity behavior and load transfer mechanism of super long bored pile in Wenzhou soft clay are discussed, on the basis of the static loading test and axial force test.
Based on mechanics model of pullout, the transfer mechanism of pullout load of high-pressure grouting soil nailing is discussed.
Finally the paper give a brief analysis of load transfer mechanism and how to choose the equilibrium position of the selection.
On the basis of load transfer mechanism and destruction patterns of single pile, load transfer method and shearing deformation method for subsidence computing of single pile are mainly discussed.
Therefore, it has great significance to study on the load transfer mechanism and deformation characteristics of composite ground under flexible foundation.
However, the load transfer mechanism of this pile is still not perfect, so far, there isn't practicable and unified method.
The results indicate that the classical heat transfer mechanism is suitable for the medium wall load and the potential heat of the low-melting-point alloy is useful for high wall load.
An hyperbolic function was proposed as a load transfer function to analyze the load transfer mechanism of a single pile.
Based on mechanics model of pullout, the transfer mechanism of pullout load of high-pressure grouting soil nailing is discussed. Moreover, the construction process is briefly presented.
According to the static loading test and the axial force test, the bearing capacity and load transfer mechanism of the over-length pile in the littoral soft clay are discussed.
The paper analyzes mechanism of action and load transfer under group anchor, calculates load transfer-displacement by shearing displacement-transfer function method.
The research on the operating technology and load transfer mechanism of super long-large diameter bored pile;
It is feasible that using PNN to identify damage of pile cap which is based on the space truss load transfer mechanism.
According to the actual work situation of the piles with branch plates, a model test equipment is designed to research load transfer mechanism of the piles with branch plates in different soil layers.
According to the example of Ruitong Plaza structure design, this paper focus on the difference of load transfer mechanism between reverse transfer story and common transfer story.
The load transfer mechanism of cement-soil pile composite foundations with different cushion heights were studied according to the results of static loading tests.
According to the test of 9 specimens, a failure model and load transfer mechanism of steel-fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) thick pile cap with three piles is analysed.
During the design of pile-raft foundation, there still exist many problems because the research on theory of piles' load-transfer mechanism is far behind the development of practice.
So, the main purpose of this paper is to deal with the load-transfer mechanism of super-long pile and find out the different properties between super-long piles and piles.
So, the main purpose of this paper is to deal with the load-transfer mechanism of super-long pile and find out the different properties between super-long piles and piles.