However, it's constantly running server application makes it a good choice for a persistent media center PC.
It's not clear what features the device will have, but considering that Windows Media Center comes with almost every new PC we can make some pretty good guesses.
Despite Microsoft's limited past success in getting people to hook up a PC to their TV, 2011 might be the perfect time for a new Windows Media Center box.
Interviewer 3: "...and with Windows Media Center, you can use your PC as a digital video recorder and record hours of video entertainment.
访问者3:有了微软的娱乐主机(WindowsMedia Center),你就可以把你的电脑拿来当数字影片的录映机,而且可以录好几个小时的影片。
Windows XP emerged into the light on 25 October 2001, and was the first iteration to offer a 64-bit version as well as Media Center and Tablet PC editions.
2001年10月25日,微软第一款交互式操作系统Windows XP面世,它提供64位版本、媒体中心版本和TabletPC版本。
Windows XP emerged into the light on 25 October 2001, and was the first iteration to offer a 64-bit version as well as Media Center and Tablet PC editions.
2001年10月25日,微软第一款交互式操作系统Windows XP面世,它提供64位版本、媒体中心版本和TabletPC版本。