The Chinese delegation also visited the US Supreme Court and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.
George Cohen, head of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, says the proposed new contract must be ratified by both parties.
Conciliation, mediation, legislation and standardization are all included in the multi-factor dispute resolution mechanism with equal attention paid to prevention and administration.
The existing administration litigation Law does not require administration litigation mediation system, it specifically limits the conciliation proceedings in the application.
Article 32 Where the property right is encroached on, the obligee may have the matter settled by means of conciliation, mediation, arbitration or litigation.
The last one is to abandon court's mediation, and to replace it by conciliation of litigation.
In case no settlement can be reached through consultations the PARTIES can apply for mediation to the Labour dispute conciliation committee established by the COMPANY, if any.
In case no settlement can be reached through consultations the PARTIES can apply for mediation to the Labour dispute conciliation committee established by the COMPANY, if any.