Medicine Buddha may help you out.
Q: as Amitabha Buddha has 48 vows and Medicine Buddha has 12 vows, when one practises either teaching, must he or she make the same vows?
Q:阿弥陀佛(AmitabhaBuddha)有48大愿,药师佛(Medicine Buddha)也有12大愿,当我们学习任何一个佛的教诲时,我们是不是也必须发同样的誓言呢?
With pious hearts, US Tzu Chi volunteers in the San Dimas National Headquarters are also reciting the Medicine Buddha Sutra through the net meeting.
Disciple jui khin yeo of kuching sarawak Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of medicine guru Buddha.
Similarly, Urgien Menhla shows how to identify Guru Rinpoche (and likewise your own Guru) with Medicine Guru Buddha, so as to pray to him for health.
On his left is the Buddha of Medicine.
Thanks to Disciple Chang Wang for transforming the praise to Medicine Guru Buddha in my calligraphy into the color of the Buddha.
Disciple Jui Khin Yeo of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of Medicine Guru Buddha.
As you requested I had written the holy epithet of Medicine Guru Buddha in calligraphy. It is attached.
Comments are welcome on responses to treatment by Medicine Master Buddha or fulfillment of one's requests, quell disasters and prevent misfortunes.
Though Gongjue living Buddha is out home, the medicine instruments are taken at all times.
Medicine Master Buddha is a great doctor.
In Buddhism, the Medicine Guru Buddha living in the East and Amitabha in the West together are regarded as two parallel sadhanas which settle problems of life and death for all the living creatures.
Thus it is in accordance with the Dharma and seems to form a protection circle around the mandala of Medicine Guru Buddha in the center.
Upon disciple Jui Khin Yeo's request (see emails below) I had written in Chinese a Supplication to Medicine Guru Buddha.
Medicine Mater Thus come one lapis lazuli light in Buddha great doctor.
The Medicine Guru Buddha, Sakyamuni and Amitabha together are called "The Trikala Buddhas", and also called the Buddha Sambo.
The Medicine Guru Buddha, Sakyamuni and Amitabha together are called "The Trikala Buddhas", and also called the Buddha Sambo.