Such fiscal adjustment may be necessary to ensure medium-term debt sustainability, but its immediate effect would lead to a reduction in private and public aggregate demand.
America cannot wait for ever to rein in its debt. It needs to lay out credible plans for medium-term deficit reduction.
But these demographic shifts set the boundaries for rich countries' medium-term future, including their ability to service their public debt.
We all know the medium- and long-term problem with U.S. debt. It's been discussed worldwide over the past few years.
We all know the medium - and long-term problem with U. s. debt. It's been discussed worldwide over the past few years.
At the moment, the US has outlined less than half of the tax increases and spending cuts necessary to bring its public debt down in the medium term, the IMF calculated.
In the past, bank credit was rationed, and other non-bank sources of medium to long-term debt were effectively suppressed.
Economists have warned that growth in debt - especially corporate borrowing - poses a threat to financial stability in China and the country's medium-term growth prospects.
He urged both the United States and Europe to develop credible medium-term fiscal plans to boost confidence in their ability to cut their debt levels.
Government bonds issue take medium and long-term national debt as the main type, in order to meet longer requirement in project cycle of the infrastructure.
On the view of the structure of debt's term, long-term debt of Small and Medium Enterprise Board listed companies has significant and negative governance effects.
Lagarde said the IMF welcomed Obama's proposals but urged the U. S. to clarify a medium-term plan to put its massive public debt on what she described as "a more sustainable path."
Lagarde said the IMF welcomed Obama's proposals but urged the U. S. to clarify a medium-term plan to put its massive public debt on what she described as "a more sustainable path."