The casting can meet requirement of titanium alloy creep fixed treatment.
Stucture and its adjustment should meet requirement of operation flow and serve it.
Leading APU, solve the problem in production to confirm regular operation, and meet requirement of customer.
Superior services among different vocations have been desired to meet requirement of the promotion of life level.
Appearance Design Patent----supply sample with complete external shape, or hexahedral picture or photo which meet requirement.
Frequency conversion blower motor: air volume can be freely adjusted, which can meet requirement of air volume for paper sending.
This machine is continuous motion standing cartoning machine. It is high technology integrative product, which can fully meet requirement of GMP.
With the research and innovation of the process, the modern mould can meet requirement of manufacturing composite materials blade of huge wind turbine.
It could be applied in measuring many liquid media in industrial field, which could meet requirement of user farthest, in particular suitable for multiplicate equipments.
Work with buyers closely to get shipping information and prepare relevant paperwork for import so that make sure material arrive in time to meet requirement of production.
This paper analyses why concrete frame quality does not meet requirement in high building and introduces prevention measure. It has guidance signification to practice construction.
It is proved by the experimental data that such performance as tunning mean-time, detect power, anti-jamming capability and detect precision, fully meet requirement specified previously.
Some of my classmates did this for an easy way to meet their intermediate course requirement, but I did it to get the kind of depth in those topics I was going for.
Drive improvements on T&A process to meet the efficiency/quality requirement.
You also need to improve the query method and custom property to meet your requirement.
It is relatively easy to register as a resident in Spain and formally meet the requirement.
One requirement may break down into ten user stories, but if the development team completes the five most critical stories, that may be sufficient to meet the customer requirement.
With users' passwords traveling over the network in plain text, you do not meet the requirement for secure authentication.
A traditional GC can't meet this requirement because the application must halt for the GC to reclaim any unused memory.
Then later in the project lifecycle, when time is getting short and you realize you cannot meet every requirement, at least you will know which ones are most important.
Then, by using an example of one customer requirement, this article has shown how to develop, deploy, and use a role selector widget to meet the requirement.
IBM has a number of products available that meet this requirement.
To meet this requirement, an Extended Enterprise approach is appropriate.
The cancellation can happen within a certain scope optionally, which means you cannot use a human task to meet this requirement. Instead, you can use the event handler to meet this requirement.
Older applications may contain user keys (for example, TERMIDs) that don't meet this requirement.
较老的应用程序可能会包含不符合此要求的用户密钥(如 TERMID)。
ERGM is the Raytheon product that was being developed to meet the ERM requirement.
IBM DB2 9.5 provides many features to meet this requirement.
IBMDB 2 9.5提供了很多特性来满足这一需求。
All the venues must meet the requirement of holding test events by the end of 2007.
All the venues must meet the requirement of holding test events by the end of 2007.