The Australian designer then went on to study Industrial design at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
She graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University and studied fashion design at the London College of fashion.
It is particularly special as this is the first group of students graduating from the joint program between Suzhou Vocational College and Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE.
Headey says the Melbourne Institute is currently conducting a similar survey called the HILDA Panel (Household Income and Labor Dynamics in Australia), which is now in its tenth year.
哈迪说到,墨尔本研究所正在做一个类似的调查——HILDA小组(HouseholdIncomeandLaborDynamicsin Australia澳大利亚家庭收入和劳工动态研究小组)。现在已经是第十个年头了。
These associations were independent of calorie intake and appeared to be largely due to a change in weight, said the researchers at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Melbourne.
On 7 May, Ambassador Zhang Junsai attended a dinner hosted by the Pacific Institute of Australia in Melbourne and delivered a keynote speech on China's role in the emerging world order.
2010年5月7日,中国驻澳大利亚大使章均赛应邀赴墨尔本出席澳太平洋协会(The PacificInstitute of Australia)举行的晚餐会,并就中国在世界新秩序中的作用发表主旨演讲。
Research at the Baker Medical Institute in Melbourne has shown that aged heart muscle cells fed CoQ10 performed as well as younger cardiac cells.
研究贝克医学研究所在墨尔本已经表明,老年人心脏肌肉细胞进行喂养辅酶Q10 ,以及年轻的心脏细胞。
Burnett Institute, Melbourne, Australia, were rewarded for this invention, the system has low-cost, point of care, particularly for telemedicine.
Burnett Institute, Melbourne, Australia, were rewarded for this invention, the system has a low-cost, point of care characteristics, particularly suitable for telemedicine.
Burnett Institute, Melbourne, Australia, were rewarded for this invention, the system has a low-cost, point of care characteristics, particularly suitable for telemedicine.