Insinuations about her mental state, about her capacity for delusion, were being made.
Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.
With a strong sense of purpose, energy can be created even when there is barely any physical, mental or emotional capacity.
Humans also have the mental capacity to make decisions not based on impulse.
You have so much more mental capacity than you might imagine.
Mental attitude plays a far more important role in as person's success or failure than mental capacity.
At those moments, our bodies actually take over and increase blood flow so that we have greater visual acuity, increased mental capacity and more oxygen and fuel for our muscles to use.
It's not known how babies acquire the capacity to understand others' mental states, but some scientists have argued that conversation has a key role.
New public-health studies and laboratory experiments suggest that, at every stage of life, traffic fumes exact a measurable toll on mental capacity, intelligence and emotional stability.
Recent study into how social networking sites affect Dunbar's number indicates that that advances in technology have not been matched by changes in mental capacity.
so there must be something other than matter and in particular mental activity thought seems entirely beyond the capacity of matter.
Memory marvels: Mind like a sieve? Don't worry. The difference between mere mortals and memory champs is more method than mental capacity.
Brain teasers Network - With daily brain teasers and an assortment of popular and challenging games brain teaser Network is a handy site for building mental capacity.
BrainTeasers Net work—通过日常的脑筋急转弯和具有挑战有受欢迎的游戏集合,该网站是增加你心智容量的便利之所。
Practically everything your child does in his first two years -- every sound, every movement, every mental connection that he makes -- places his brain capacity at genius operating level.
特别是您的孩子在两岁内做的任何事情-每一个声音、每一个动作、每一次感情回应 - 都是他的天才大脑的又一次体现。
Your mind needs to be operating at a pace that leaves enough mental capacity for thought reflection and initial evaluation.
Even a mild case of dehydration can reduce your mental energy and capacity, causing your memory to become impaired.
And this game of warfare is the test of our endurance and mental capacity.
I still can not see their mental capacity, even went so far as the difference.
For in this way our knowledge becomes much more certain, and our mental capacity is enormously increased.
Mental attitude plays a far more important role in a person 's success or failure than mental capacity.
They wanted to see if chimpanzees had the mental capacity for language.
Our brain needs glucose to function, and a high glucose meal will aid mental capacity considerably compared to a fasted brain.
Is there anyone who choose to be single, it needs remarkable mental capacity and resilience, I think it's impossible from people's essentiality, doesn't it?
A study which explores the interaction between consumption of low and high GI foods, whilst including a fasted group, would establish a better understanding of this increased mental capacity.
Parents may set up varying levels of reward and punishment depending on a child's physical and mental capacity to avoid hurting him and his ego.
This paper proceeds from the components of the negotiator's mental capacity, analyses the required mental capacity of the negotiators and the basic measures to optimize them.
Citrine is also capable of improving the mental capacity of the person.
Vinpocetine and Huperzine A help maintain overall mental capacity and provide additional neural support.
Vinpocetine and Huperzine A help maintain overall mental capacity and provide additional neural support.