I had a mental image of what she would look like.
Research conducted at Stanford University shows a mental image fires the nerve system the same way as actually doing something.
But it is much harder for you to reject the new price, for you have already strengthened your mental image.
By agreeing to the first request, they were hoping I had built a mental image of myself as a friend, a customer, or a supporter.
Cognitive dissonance - discomfort - occurs when we take actions that are incongruent with this mental image.
Therefore, for RUP purposes, a model could be a drawing on a napkin or a whiteboard, something in a modeling tool, or even a mental image.
I had built up a mental image of myself as someone who had been pushed around and lied to by their company - and cognitive dissonance worked against them.
It's also extremely important to develop a good understanding of the repository's capabilities, and to form a clear mental image of the repository's internals and externals.
It creates in the mind a mental image of weakness.
The second sentence awakens in the mind a mental image of strength.
Call up a strong mental image of it, and then try to keep your focus on the object for a full 5 or 10 minutes without losing your focus.
If the negative thought is visual (a mental image) or kinesthetic (a gut feeling), you can use a similar process.
Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses.
Then switch your mental image to the testing room and imagine yourself feeling the same way.
While we all have a mental image of what forgiveness "should" look like when others forgive us, knowing how to forgive ourselves or someone else isn't as easy to understand.
Visualizing an object or a situation, and repeating often this mental image, attracts the object or situation into our lives.
Most people have a mental image of film editors hunched in the dark over editing consoles with lengths of film pinned to the wall behind them.
But the news did conjure quite an interesting mental image: libraries that from now on will look smaller and less crowded.
Visualizationis a relaxation technique in which you create a mental image of a stressful or challenging situation. Then you imagine yourself succeeding in the situation.
This mental image is based on our personal assessment of our abilities, looks, intelligence, popularity and any number of other personal qualities.
Although LCpl Buhler recovered from his stomach wounds relatively quickly, I am certain he will struggle with the mental image of his dying friend for the rest of his life.
Pay attention to photographers, charts and other graphics that might appear in your textbook, or if you're not studying a book, try to pull up a mental image of what it is you are trying to remember.
Of course, you won't want to share the mental image with Ellen!
The exercise merely helps to impress that mental image on your subconscious mind.
American Katie Hoff was the favorite in the 400-meter freestyle race. But Adlington was inspired by a mental image.
The only obstacle to your success and achievement is your own thought or mental image.
Step 3: Turn the positive thought into a mental image.
Imagination % is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses.
Everyone had a clear mental image of the character.
Everyone had a clear mental image of the character.