And do you understand his purrs and meows?
A fat gray cat rubs against her leg. It meows.
When one listened carefully, one could hear some meows .
They crawled on the fake ceiling in all direction and crying meows.
He strikes an amusing figure in the pool as he meows loudly and makes gurgling sounds as he paddles around.
The meows that were rated most pleasant were shorter in duration, had higher frequencies and tended to change from high to low notes.
而那些被评价为最急迫的叫声在时间上持续得较长,频率较低,经常是从低音开始,逐步上升到 高音。
Sometimes, when he is ejected from his vigil beside a dying patient (some families don't like him there), he paces and meows outside the room.
You finally have the chance to understand what your pet is saying thanks to a smart collar that can interpret feline meows and translate it into human speech.
You finally have the chance to understand what your pet is saying thanks to a smart collar that can interpret feline 1 meows and translate it into human speech.
Some of the far-off rude shouts just sounded like bluejays crying "mine, mine!", and others sounded like dogs barking, and the rude catcalls just sounded like polite meows.
Some of the far-off rude shouts just sounded like bluejays crying "Mine, mine!" , and others sounded like dogs barking, and the rude catcalls just sounded like polite meows.
When her cat meows, he walks up and rubs against her, and then she follows directly behind him to her food, to the litter box, to the other end of the house for a nap, etc.
The white cat was definitely displeased - its owner did not want it anymore! It protested with a few meows, but Penny was quite determined. So it had to go with its new owner.
The white cat was definitely displeased - its owner did not want it anymore! It protested with a few meows, but Penny was quite determined. So it had to go with its new owner.