The shipowner has still held a merchant fleet of seven cargo-vessels.
While navy boats from a number of countries are patrolling the area, there are too many merchant vessels around the Gulf of Aden for them to be an effective deterrent.
Vessels targeted as a result of this kind of intelligence included the Greek cargo ship Titan, the Turkish merchant ship Karagol and the Spanish trawler Felipe Ruano.
It seems absurd that modern day pirates can board and overpower huge tankers and merchant ships and yet sitting low in the water these vessels are vulnerable to attack.
Attacks far out at sea have been made possible by the hijacking of merchant vessels that are then used as "mother ships".
James Cook were undertaken on vessels of the British Royal Navy or Merchant Navy.
He says they are now using hijacked merchant ships to increase their range of attack against other vessels.
Privateer: Privately owned vessel a state at war to attack enemy ships, usually merchant vessels.
武装民船: 为交战国征用以攻击敌方船只(常是商船)的私有武装船只。
Most of the oil tankers and bulk carriers, which reaches about 70% of total merchant fleet at present, are this type of vessels.
Of course, you can also be a pirate and prey on merchant vessels.
Possibility of emergency tow packages to be required on all large merchant vessels (as required on tankers by IMO) - to aid in the connection of a tow line in emergencies.
如同在油轮上设置救生包一样,所有的商业船只也被要求设置救生艇,以便于这两条 线路上的救援人员能迅速救援人员。
He sailed with the Merchant Marines, obtaining a Master's License for ocean going vessels.
He sailed with the Merchant Marines, obtaining a Master's License for ocean going vessels.