Young mice were injected mercury compounds and the distortion of their marrow cell micronucleus and chromosome were observed.
At the same time, we can not ignore the poison of mercury, and methylmercury is the most toxic state among mercury compounds.
The method of this experiment used the pot culture, and the soils were treated with different mercury compounds in various concentration.
Organic mercury compounds (thiomersal (ethyl mercury) and phenyl mercuric salts) are used as cosmetic preservatives in eye makeup cleansing products and mascara.
Inorganic mercury compounds take the form of mercury salts, which are generally in white powder or crystals, with the exception of mercuric sulfide cinnabar which is red.
The content and endangerment of mercury and speciation of mercury compounds in natural gas and hydrocarbon oils are summarized, and the mercury removal technologies by adsorption are also mentioned.
Both these compounds are toxic, leading to mercury and lead poisoning.
Not only did it contain water, but a plethora of other compounds and elements including mercury, calcium, magnesium, carbon monoxide and dioxide, ammonia, sodium - and small traces of silver.
This may have been the result of drinking solutions containing mercury as well as other deadly compounds.
This work could provide a scientific basis for safety production, safety usage and health standard revision of mercury and its compounds.
Household batteries contribute many potentially hazardous compounds to the municipal solid waste stream, including zinc, lead, nickel, alkalines, manganese, cadmium, silver, and mercury.
Household batteries contribute many potentially hazardous compounds to the municipal solid waste stream, including zinc, lead, nickel, alkalines, manganese, cadmium, silver, and mercury.