The constellation operates as a fully meshed network and is the largest commercial satellite constellation in the world.
Secondly, stochastic assessment of voltage sags is studied and a new method for multiple-meshed network is presented.
Furthermore, the communication costs in "Center-Adjacent points" meshed network model and "Token Ring" model are compared.
The paper transforms it into two radial networks with Thevenin's theorem and superposition theorem when there is a meshed network.
Therefore it is very easy to predict the traffic flows through the meshed network since they are calculated once for the entire path.
Considering meshed network of distribution feed lines and node zero injection, we put forward a algorithm of status estimation based on branch currents.
The weakly meshed network is firstly divided into two networks using the superposition principle: one is the pure radial network and the other is the pure meshed network.
At the first step, all the tie breakers are closed to form a meshed network and then an optimal matching loop flow is calculated to determine the breakers most suitably to be opened in each loop.
This paper presents four kinds of common SDH network topological structures, i. e. linear, ring, star and meshed.
This paper presents four kinds of common SDH network topological structures, i. e. linear, ring, star and meshed.