Mesothelioma is a cancer of the cells that make up the lining around the outside of the lungs and inside of the ribs (pleura), or around the abdominal organs (peritoneum).
For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy.
Pleural mesothelioma can spread to the lungs and invade its inner tissues, but the origin site of the cancer remains the pleura.
Results showed that the diagnostic rate of thoracoscopy was 94.6% (263/278) and there were different appearances among metastatic carcinoma, mesothelioma and tuberculosis of pleura.
结果显示胸腔镜的诊断率为94.6% ( 2 63 / 2 78) ,胸膜转移癌、胸膜间皮瘤、结核性胸膜炎镜下形态不同。
Results showed that the diagnostic rate of thoracoscopy was 94.6% (263/278) and there were different appearances among metastatic carcinoma, mesothelioma and tuberculosis of pleura.
结果显示胸腔镜的诊断率为94.6% ( 2 63 / 2 78) ,胸膜转移癌、胸膜间皮瘤、结核性胸膜炎镜下形态不同。