A high-context culture is a culture in which the context of the message, or the action, or an event carries a large part of its meaning and significance.
A low-context culture is one in which the message, the event, or the action is a separate entity.
The ethical message here is that humans are in control of their destiny and the action of every individual affects and influences the fate of society.
This means that the action should be available when the message has either not yet been archived by CSLD or already retrieved.
The action will display a simple alert message when the user clicks the button.
The cancellation action is regarded as an inbound message that can trigger the event handler of the process scope.
In the first case, the client can simply resubmit the message and no particular action need be taken on the server as the message has not yet been processed.
This context is then referenced in message 3, which specifies whatever action is associated with the actual service application.
The XSL stylesheet shown in Listing 8 obtains the specific error message that explains why the validation action failed and returns it to the client that issued the request.
A success/failure message of the form submit action is displayed to the user.
The rule set examines each message one by one and may take some action (by invoking another service) or may generate an outbound message.
In the case of a request over JMS, the URI and action are passed as message header parameters.
Currently a connector message can contain only one event or action.
Lastly, a timer can be canceled by sending a control message with the "cancel" action.
Selecting the action item causes a warning message to pop up, as shown in Figure 8.
If a destination was not found, the action sets an error message and rejects the request.
On Submit, the success message is shown from the action class representing the invocation of backend service.
The view action lets you choose a new memo, a reply message, or a reply with history message.
Later, a receiver gets the message from the mail box and takes some type of action with it.
A pop-up message box indicates whether the action succeeded or failed for each of the tasks.
For a name, the action is to print a message that it is unknown.
Notification: The notification message sent by this milestone action.
But Willington took the idea a step further, using the text message as a real-time call to action.
Target-Action: The mechanism that enables a view object to present a control in response to a user event; for example, a click to send the action message to the target object.
In order to give the user the option to archive a message manually, an action has to be added to the Memo form.
The Business Events Send Success primitive has only one property describing the location of the incoming action in the message tree.
If the Schematron stylesheet action produced an error message, the error message needs to be sent back to the client that initially sent the request XML document.
The ESB System.out file now contains the second action, too (omitting message headers for brevity), as shown below
The Message Broker gets called and then Workflow -- depending on the content of the input message and the action taken by the message flow.
调用MessageBroker然后是Workflow --依靠于输入消息的内容以及消息流所采取的动作。
The Message Broker gets called and then Workflow -- depending on the content of the input message and the action taken by the message flow.
调用MessageBroker然后是Workflow --依靠于输入消息的内容以及消息流所采取的动作。