An asynchronous messaging system typically relies on a message bus or broker to expose queues or event channels that receive messages published by message producers.
The system integration bus (SIBus) enables Web services messages — including dynamic routing and transformation — as just another message type.
PXA270 runs the system control logic, generate and dispose the data message transmitted by CAN bus.
When a fault occurs in a power system, fault area is located using Broad First Search (BFS) method by breakers and bus voltage message.
The system use communication net based on the can bus to ensure that the fault message of recorder equipment can be transferred to PC net node fastly.
The paper analyses two message transmission mechanisms of loosely coupled bus-type array computer system, that is, bus-collision and token.
If there is no PCLTA-20 card currently installed in a PCI-bus slot, a message appears stating that the operating system has removed, or has not loaded, the PCLTA-20 device driver.
如果没有PCLTA - 20卡插槽,目前安装在一个PCI总线,将出现一条消息,说明该操作系统已去除,或没有加载,PCLTA - 20设备驱动程序。
If there is no PCLTA-20 card currently installed in a PCI-bus slot, a message appears stating that the operating system has removed, or has not loaded, the PCLTA-20 device driver.
如果没有PCLTA - 20卡插槽,目前安装在一个PCI总线,将出现一条消息,说明该操作系统已去除,或没有加载,PCLTA - 20设备驱动程序。