A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when delivered in a letter, as opposed to receiving the same message online.
Other choices, in descending order of personalization, are: a real-time phone call, a voice-mail message, a handwritten note, a typewritten letter, and the most unfriendly is email.
Traditional steganography hides its message as, say, every 20th word in a letter, or as the colour of every hundredth pixel in an electronic image.
The following table shows each letter of this message in ASCII, hex, and binary code.
下表列出了这条消息中每个字符的ASCI i码、十六进制码和二进制编码。
Daniil showed Mr Uesbeck the bottle where he found the message and the letter that he put in a frame.
Last month, he sent a message to the faithful in Ireland about the scandals there, which go back several years, but he rejected Suggestions that he make it a letter to the entire church.
In this case, WebSphere MQ adds a dead-letter header structure (MQDLH) to the message, and puts it on the dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue.
The code was used in a letter from "Hubert" to "Aunt Janet" to conceal the message: "14 Boeing Fortresses arrived yesterday in Hendon (London). Pilots expect to raid Kiel (Germany)."
This structure includes the name of the destination queue and the reason why the message was put on the dead-letter queue. Table 3 lists the main fields in MQDLH.
Property indicating the destination queue of the message. Typically used when reading response messages, or messages in machine journals or dead-letter queues.
And in his short story "the Vane Sisters," an acrostic reveals an unexpected twist. (Take the first letter of each word in the last paragraph and string them together to find the secret message.)
Writing letters means someone is in sincere attitude, the one who receives the letter will be touched deeply. Sometimes message is hard to use phone to explain, then letters will be used.
If you're not customizing your letter for the company you're applying to and showing why you're especially interested in the firm, you're sending a bad message.
In the case of delivery failure for transactional messages, the message is sent to the transactional dead-letter queue on the source computer in all negative and in-doubt cases.
He asked to hear the letter. The message in it made him cry, too.
Did your follow up promptly with a thank you email message or letter which clearly stated your interest in the job and included a brief summary of why you thought the position was an excellent fit?
Eventually, as we know, she adopted the expedient of cutting out the words which would form the message, and addressing the letter in a disguised hand.
If a message fails delivery, no record of it is maintained in the dead-letter queue.
The message is placed in the sending queue manager's Dead Letter Queue.
Also enclosed inside the box marked with the word "Letter" is a message for you be left with us in 1978.
If the message's TTL had already expired at this point, then the message may appear in the sender's Dead Letter Queue.
The message wasn't written in a letter or on a card, but in the flowers and foliage that made up the bouquet.
The message wasn't written in a letter or on a card, but in the flowers and foliage that made up the bouquet.