This object contains the document text along with meta information about the text, such as the document language.
Best Practice 6: Use language attributes rather than HTTP or meta elements to declare the default language for text processing.
For example, there are now emerging theories of meta-modeling and of model transformations, which impose certain demands on how a modeling language should be defined.
The platform has been likened to a meta language or language superset.
Because mobile devices have limited memory and processing capacity, their manufacturers created an XML-like binary meta language called Wireless binary XML (WBXML).
因为移动设备的内存和处理能力都有限,制造商们发明了一种类似XML的二进制元语言,称为Wireless Binary XML (WBXML,无线二进制xml)。
A test case written once in the meta-language can be compiled and executed in any language they have a stylesheet for, ensuring that the same tests are applied everywhere.
Dynamic typing allows all sorts of advanced meta-programming tricks that are difficult or impossible in a strongly typed language.
This meta linguistic ability involves being able to "go beyond the words", helping an individual develop communication skills in both their first language and others.
What was needed was a consistent and well-understood pseudo - or meta-language to unify all the different ways of representing and documenting software architectures.
The XML (eXtensible Markup language) meta-language, despite its short lifetime, is already considered a key technology to the e-business world.
Like SGML before it, XML is a meta-language: it is a syntactic basis for defining further languages.
Best Practice 9: Consider using a Content-Language declaration in the HTTP header or a meta tag to declare metadata about the languages of the intended audience of a document.
最佳实践9:考虑在HTTP报头使用Content - Language声明或者使用元标记声明文档目标受众的语言元数据。
XML is a meta language which can establish sets of markup to encode particular information.
JetBrains released Meta Programming System for a Language Oriented Programming (PDF) style.
XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and is designed to provide meta-information about the content of a given XML document.
XML是StandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage (SGML)的一个子集,被设计来提供关于某个给定 XML 文档的内容的元信息(meta-information)。
The representative course of knowledge is a course in which the information state changes from self presence to self performance and an extensible thinking process of meta language.
By meta cognitive strategy we mean a general management of procedures for effective learning of a foreign language such as planning, monitoring and evaluating.
The natural language essentially is a self meta-language, therefore, traditionally it always is compilation tool in the dictionary.
Because SGML is a means to describe a language formally, it is known as a meta - language.
XML has emerged as the standard of meta language representing data format. It is rich, clear, extensible and self-description. All advantages make it the best candidate for representing data model.
There are many differences between the study on subject, object, meta-language tool, the form of achievement, ways, function and evaluation etc of the Logic in old times and in modern times.
In this paper, an organization meta-model including both hierarchy and teamwork structure is presented and then UML object constraint language (OCL) is adopted to formalize the meta-model.
We suggest that we unify the class words of synonym in the study of meta-language.
UML is a powerful language for object-oriented modeling, but it has some explicit drawbacks. For example, it lacks a model check mechanism so it is difficult to keep the consistence of Meta model.
Phatic meta-communicative language plays an important role in the process of communication.
In the 4th chapter, we build a simple high-level workflow modeling language-M4L, which is used to describe the plat independent model based on multi meta-model.
Meta-representation is a universal phenomenon in linguistic communication, and metalinguistic function is one of the basic of the language.
Therefore these words are considered as the English meta-language.
Therefore these words are considered as the English meta-language.