These are realized by separating service descriptions from their implementations, and using this descriptive metadata across the service life cycle.
Each entry contains descriptive metadata, including a title, a block of text or HTML content, and a URL for more information.
I think it is useful to think of four sources of descriptive metadata in libraries.
SOA USES the descriptive metadata associated with the service description across the service life cycle.
The RAS defines a format for the descriptive metadata, the classification metadata, and the usage metadata of an asset, as well as a layout for the content and the content's metadata.
RAS 可以为以下内容定义格式:描述性元数据、分类元数据、资产的用法元数据,以及内容的布局和内容元数据。
It involves recording brief descriptive information or metadata about the record and assigning the record an identifier, unique within the system.
Descriptive metadata may include information about the content and form of the materials.
All the processes generate metadata (detailed descriptive information) that are linked to the record.
Attributes allow you to place extra descriptive information into metadata that can be extracted using runtime reflection services.
This paper analyzed the descriptive condition about information resources, made a brief introduction to metadata and discussed Dublin core in detail.
This paper analyzed the descriptive condition about information resources, made a brief introduction to metadata and discussed Dublin core in detail.