As you move toward implementing data as a service, effective information metadata management and use of Common information Model (CIM) is a key critical success factor.
随着你将数据实现为服务,有效的信息元数据管理与公用信息模型(Common Information Model,CIM)的运用是成功的一个关键因素。
The keys of metadata management lie in the construction a comprehensive and extended metadata model which describes all kinds of metadata.
This article introduces the theory of electronic record metadata model and the design of electronic document metadata management system.
This paper discusses main techniques in data warehouse design and management, such as data model, metadata, granularity, data segmentation, data integrating, distributed data warehouse.
The model will contribute to set up the Metadata Management System as well as leverage user experience and loyalty.
The metadata warehouse of electrical power corporations included meta object model package, foundation package, resources package, analysis package and management package.
It gives 25 cores of metadata model, and describes the system construction of metadata management system, and particularly introduces the system functions and characteristics.
In object-oriented model base management system, properties, method, data interface and metadata of model are encapsulated as model object. Model metadata are used to assist model management.
Public warehouse model (CWM) is the object management organizations (OMG) by a common data warehouse metadata standard, has been the major tool manufacturers for their support.
Public warehouse model (CWM) is the object management organizations (OMG) by a common data warehouse metadata standard, has been the major tool manufacturers for their support.