This paper analyzes the metering error of floating roof tank caused by the floating tray to guide the installation of liquidometer.
An analysis is made of the problem that the metering error is substantial in custody transfer metering of crude oil with low water content.
It is considered that effective measures should be taken to eliminate metering error, reduce the loss of crude oil in order to cut down economic loss.
The metering error considers the non linear effect of the voltage coil and current coil in watt hour meter under different order of harmonics and different distortion degree of input waveform.
The article mainly introduces the composition, working principle and shows the metering course of this system. The article also makes the error analysis of the system measurement.
The ramp metering rate is determined by the PID controller whose parameters are tuned by fuzzy logic according to the density tracking error and error variation.
PT secondary voltage step-down is one of the reason which causes the comprehensive error of the electric energy metering equipment.
TA field calibration method for power metering device is given. By calibrating the error of the reactive power metering, the error of active power metering can be indirectly calibrated.
In power system, it can excite partial parallel resonance or serial resonance, enlarge the harmonic wave, trigger relay protection system in error and disturb electric power energy metering equipment.
The utility model relates to an instrument for detecting the error of the coaxiality, belonging to the metering detection device.
The utility model relates to an instrument for detecting the error of the coaxiality, belonging to the metering detection device.