Methods:Adopt the method of stratified cluster sampling, women were investigated through questionnaire in family.
Also the results showed that the Stratified Random ClusterSampling is an adequate sampling method for the genetic variation analysis of yellow cattle population.
Methods: Using stratified sampling method to determine the survey places, The schistosomiasis in people and livestock were surveyed by the methods of nylon bag incubation and top - tube incubation.
方法:用分层随机抽样法确定调查点。 用尼龙袋集卵孵化法、顶管孵化法分别对人畜进行查病,用系统抽样结合环境抽样法开展螺情调查。
Stratified sampling method was applied to investigate immunization status of ecdemic children and its affecting factors in Baoshan District.
The influencing factors of feat technique in hygiene were investigated in Sichuan with the method of the stratified sampling and the categorical data analysis.
Methods Serum uric acid (SUA) was measured among 7778 inhabitants aged over 20 years old in 2 communities in Nanjing with the method of stratified cluster sampling.
METHOD:63 medical institutes nurses have been investigated by Stratified cluster sampling RESULTS. nurses of medical institutes are scarce and their qualities are low.
PARTICIPANTS: Totally 528 students, aged 17 to 20 years old, were recruited from grade one of year 2003 in Southwest University of Science and Technology with stratified sampling method.
Methods The survey of prevalence of dental caries in group aged 12 and 15 years in Anhui province was conducted using the non-proportional, stratified, cluster sampling method.
Methods 3 460 children aged 3 to 6 were enrolled into this study by using a stratified cluster sampling method in Wuhan. Parents of the children were surveyed with a questionnaire.
方法采用分层整群抽样方法抽取武汉市3 460名3~6岁儿童作为研究对象,应用自行设计的儿童睡眠状况问卷对儿童家长进行调查。
Methods: By using questionnaires with multistage stratified random cluster sampling method, 726 valid questionnaires of 800 were backed from the university students in 4 universities in Dalian city.
The genetic resources of South Shaanxi white goats are examined with the method of Stratified Random Cluster sampling.
Method A total of 4 882 undergraduates from 6 universities in Shanxi province was investigated with multistage stratified random cluster sampling.
方法采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法调查山西省普通高校一、二、三年级本专科大学生4 882名。
Methods in 1999, a cross-sectional study was carried out in a natural population of Beijing, using stratified-random sampling method.
Methods According with the methods of the forth epidemiologic sampling survey for tuberculosis in our country, the method of stratified cluster random sampling was use in this survey.
Methods Under stratified sampling, the investigation of the oral health concept and behavior were carried out using closed type questionnaire method.
The paper introduces multiple imputation (mi) for missing data in stratified random sampling, and discusses the ordinary method of mi with ignorable nonresponse, and illustrates the essential steps.
Methods504 pilots were selected with the method of stratified cluster sampling , and were valuated by coping style scale, state-trait anxiety scale , Symptom checklist-90( SCL-90).
Methods A survey on prevalence of FD in communities of Shijiu Neighborhood, Rizhao was conducted by using a stratified, randomized cluster-sampling method.
Methods With the method of cluster stratified random sampling, a questionnaire survey was conducted in medical and non-medical higher-educated school in Jilin city.
Methods By using stratified random sampling method 524 college students were selected and surveyed with scales about sense of alienation and subjective well-being.
Methods: the breakfast structure and the nutrition knowledge of 3 547 students in rural boarding middle school in Chongqing were investigated by adopting stratified two-stage cluster sampling method.
方法:采用分层二阶段整群抽样方法,对重庆市3 547名中学生早餐饮食结构和营养知识进行调查。
Method A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling survey on health condition of 14486 residents was taken in 2007.
方法:采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,对2007年居民家庭健康状况入户调查,共调查14 486人。
Method A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling survey on health condition of 14486 residents was taken in 2007.
方法:采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,对2007年居民家庭健康状况入户调查,共调查14 486人。