Perhaps in the near future, processors and memory will be merged onto a single chip, just as the micro - processor first merged the separate components of a processor onto a single chip.
High efficiency DC brushless motor, micro chip processor control, tooth synchronous belt drive, smooth operation, noise.
This instrument is based on 386 micro computer and 8098 single chip processor featuring with simple operation, easy programming and high practicability.
This paper is to introduce a single chip micro processor that is used as the core to control the telephone alarming device.
This paper introduces a new display memory instrument, in which AT89C52 micro-processor is the core, with a time chip added to it.
介绍的显示存储仪以at89c 52微处理器为核心,外加时钟芯片。
For the hardware, not only all-purpose expanded circuits of the single-chip micro-processor but also input circuit and safe circuit for power failure have been designed.
For the hardware, not only all-purpose expanded circuits of the single-chip micro-processor but also input circuit and safe circuit for power failure have been designed.