This simple technique may be used to treat micro-polluted raw water and can remove organic pollutants and ammonia efficiently.
The batch operation demonstrated that the autotrophic denitrification with hydrogen produced from electrolysis of water can be used to treat the micro-polluted raw water.
The effect of species distributions of poly-aluminum chloride(PAC) on algae removal efficiencies was studied aiming at removing algae cell in the treatment of micro-polluted raw water.
For seasonal ammonia and organic micro-polluted raw water, biological sludge in sedimentation tank following bio-pretreatment was returned to flocculation tank, to enhance conventional process.
Biological pretreatment technology is an economic and efficient method to remove ammonia - nitrogen in micro - polluted raw water.
Both bio contact oxidation tank and ceramic bio filter are always adopted for bio pretreatment of micro polluted raw water.
The result of dynamic experiment for ammonia nitrogen removal from micro polluted raw water is studied in this paper.
The fruit of research is useful to smaller scale water plants to strengthen the function of traditional filter of remove of organic pollutants from micro-organic-polluted raw water.
The fruit of research is useful to smaller scale water plants to strengthen the function of traditional filter of remove of organic pollutants from micro-organic-polluted raw water.