Where human intervention is required at the capping station, appropriate technology should be used to prevent direct contact with vials and to minimise microbial contamination.
Although microbial contamination of food continues to account for the majority of instances of illness, consumers still have a high level of concern about chemical residues in food.
The formulation must be preserved against decomposition due to chemical degradation and protected from microbial contamination and the destructive influences of excessive heat, light, and moisture.
To prevent the spoilage of meat products resulted from microbial contamination, lipid oxidation and myoglobin Browning, packaging process must be carried out during meat products production.
The main causations for the precipitate in amur grape wine are microzyme self-dissolve, microbial contamination, excessive oxidation and over quantity of tarter muriatic acid etc.
Conclusion: the entrusted-inspection Water Quality in LvShunKou District is not very good. Microbial contamination and the content of chloride are the main problems.
Procter & Gamble Company in Cincinnati, Ohio recalled its Oral-B Tooth and Gum Care Alcohol Free Mouth rinse in the Philippines due to potential microbial contamination.
We noted that after the carboxyl groups and amino groups were introduced to Sephadex, the resistance of the carrier to microbial contamination was largely increased.
The present invention is sour milk without microbial contamination and its preparation process, especially foreign bacteria-free packing technique for sour milk.
The present invention is sour milk without microbial contamination and its preparation process, especially foreign bacteria-free packing technique for sour milk.