Another option is Microsoft Online Services, sold on a subscription basis as part of a hosted offering.
Access to Microsoft Online Services systems will be authenticated through the company's own Active Directory server.
As a result, Microsoft and Sony are attempting to differentiate their game machines with other features, like film playback capabilities and online services.
In a statement Sunday, Microsoft says it is considering a different kind of deal with Yahoo as it pursues ways to improve and expand its online services and advertising business.
Microsoft says the combined companies would be in a better position to compete against Google in the online services market.
Concern about Yahoo is also fueling what some Microsoft employees say is high attrition in the company's online services group, in particular the teams who sell online advertisements.
Ray Ozzie, Microsoft's Chief Software Architect, has stepped down and will retire from Microsoft after five years as strategist pushing the idea of online services and cloud computing.
Consume the cloud - outsourcing applications and it services to third-party cloud providers. Examples: Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite, CRM Online, and Live Meeting services.
Mr Elop points out that Microsoft already has 40m paying customers using online services from the company, whereas Google can only boast a fraction of that number.
John Howie is the senior director of Technical Security ser-vices for the Online Services Security and Compliance team within Global Foundation Services at Microsoft.
“We’re thrilled to work with Starwood to bring the powerful decision making tools of Bing to Sheraton customers, ” said Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president, Online Services Division, Microsoft.
微软在线服务部高级副总裁Yusuf Mehdi表示:“我们很高兴能够与喜达屋酒店合作,利用强大的决策工具Bing来为喜来登的客户服务。
One of the more interesting exclusions from SharePoint Online is Web Services, because their use is not supported in only partial-trust applications. Microsoft does note, however.
With online services, Microsoft is freed from product release cycles.
With online services, Microsoft is freed from product release cycles.