The scattering of dipole antenna array and microstrip antenna array is discussed in this paper.
In this paper, the radiation characteristics and cross polarization of microstrip antenna array on a grounded multilayer dielectric substrate using the spectral-domain method of moment is studied.
This paper focuses on the design of microstrip planar array antenna for satellite broadcast TV reception.
Based on the theoretic analysis, a study is made on broadband and dual-polarized microstrip planar array antennas and a mode of simple structure with good antenna performance is proposed.
The radiating element of array antenna is air dielectric microstrip patch antenna, which has high efficiency, and the feed network is low loss air strip, which can reduce the loss of the feed line.
In this paper, a method for designing a four part compact conical conformal microstrip array antenna is proposed, and discuss two kinds of arrange form.
The key technology in designing of RF transceiver and an omnidirectional broadband microstrip antenna that can be used as array element for TD-SCDMA smart antenna system are discussed in this paper.
本文主要讨论了TD - SCDMA智能天线系统射频收发信机设计中的部分关键问题,同时研制了可用作智能天线阵列单元的全向宽带微带阵列天线。
The design equation of the microstrip patch antenna and the element gap of the array antenna have been given.
A method of calculating the overall losses of MM-wave microstrip array antenna has been put forward based on the analysis of microstrip feedline loss.
After the study and summarize of massive related literatures of microstrip antennas, this article provides a detailed design of the terminal array antenna for the BGAN system.
We mainly use air microstrip antenna and four-dipole antenna as the antenna elements. Directional array antenna which is composed of two antennas is analyzed, simulated and designed.
A novel compact microstrip monopulse antenna array with cross type comparator has been proposed and designed.
The integral design of the microstrip feed network makes the feed network share the grounding pad of the reflector of array so as to construct a compact antenna-feed system.
The frequency response and radiation characteristics of a microstrip Yagi Array antenna were studied.
The frequency response and radiation characteristics of a microstrip Yagi Array antenna were studied.