Microwave energy is a clean energy, and microwave sintering of magnetite concentrates is a new subject by microwave heating effect.
According to the FDA, the consensus is that the only known effect of radiofrequency energy on biology is heating, the way microwaves in microwave ovens are able to heat food.
The results indicate that the influences of heating methods and rice varieties are different. The effect of water bath heating is greater than that of microwave treatment.
Microwave heating technique takes effect quickly, USES simple equipment, is highly flexible and pollution-free to reservoir, and is suitable for recovering various natural gas hydrate resources.
The effect of removing oil is better using microwave heating than using the oven heating.
There were significant effect of microwave heating time upon drying rate , the effect of intermittent time upon drying rat depends on the heating time.
In this paper, calcium carbonate and quartz, two kind of ceramic powder, are selected to research how their particle size effect the dielectric constant and the microwave heating performance.
Zeolite 4a was rapidly synthesized under microwave heating, and the effect of the addition of (lanthanum) sulfate and sodium sulfate (LNS for short) on the synthesis was studied.
Zeolite 4a was rapidly synthesized under microwave heating, and the effect of the addition of (lanthanum) sulfate and sodium sulfate (LNS for short) on the synthesis was studied.