By paying lower taxes when they're young and more when they reach middle age, Americans would essentially borrow from their older, richer selves.
Songjiang New town will be out of reach for many of the lower - and middle-class Shanghai residents whose housing woes, these satellite towns were originally intended to address.
This paper evaluates the water quality in the middle-and-lower reach of Han River by means of Set Analysis Method and Fuzzy Mathematics.
The Jiepai reach in the middle and lower Yangtze River is not only an important one for its flood control. but it is also well known for its hindering navigation.
After completion of TGP, the flood control situation of the middle and lower Yangtze river, especially the Jingjiang reach, will be improved radically.
The middle lower reach is also subdivided vertically into weak phreatic aquifer in the upper part and strang confined aquifer in the lower.
The middle lower reach is also subdivided vertically into weak phreatic aquifer in the upper part and strang confined aquifer in the lower.