Mild uplifting of the Che - Mo Palaeo - uplift occurred in the early Jurassic, and strong uplifting in the middle and late Jurassic, and thus the middle and upper Jurassic had been highly denuded.
According to geological age, it may be divided into Upper Triassic coal-bearing formation and Lower-Middle Jurassic clastic rock formation.
Characteristics of Diagenetic evolution of clastic reservoir in the upper and middle Jurassic in Qiangtang basin are studied using data from chemical examination and reservoir measurement.
The strata of Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the basin can be divided into three parts, Middle Jurassic (Longjiagou Formation ), Lower Cretaceous and Upper Miocene (Baode Formation ).
In some of the faulted basins of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic ages in Heilongjiang Province, the Middle Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Teritary auriferous conglomerate are most widespread.
The reservoir permeability of the Upper Shaximiao Formation of Middle Jurassic in the Xinchang gas field, western Sichuan is highly heterogeneous and controlled directly by reservoir pore structures.
The north-south structure in upper triassic epoch and, 4) The whole tilting structure after middle jurassic epoch.
The Middle Jurassic is the main reservoir interval of coal-formed hydrocarbon, and the brown-red mudstone of the Upper Jurassic becomes the regional cap rocks.
Main hydrocarbon bearing layer systems are Middle-Upper Jurassic shallow Marine sandstone, Upper Crataceous river faciess and delta faciess clastic rock.
Main hydrocarbon bearing layer systems are Middle-Upper Jurassic shallow Marine sandstone, Upper Crataceous river faciess and delta faciess clastic rock.