He had become a midshipman at age sixteen.
"No, Sir," the midshipman replied. "I have no idea what the problem is."
There could be no doubt of his obtaining leave of absence immediately, for he was still only a midshipman;
It was a seaman, quite a little personage, so little as if he were a midshipman; but a midshipman it was not.
Though wounded, Broke was able to save the life of a young American midshipman who had slid down a rope from the fore-top.
Many minor incidents in the household life of the Ships' Instrument-maker who was proud of his little Midshipman, assisted and bore out this fancy.
Admiral Nelson's encounter as a plucky 14-year-old midshipman fighting only with the butt of his musket is surely a myth, but others are true.
Later in the month Darwin tried to get FitzRoy to allow his friend, Francis Owen (Fanny Owen's brother), to be part of the crew as a Midshipman.
AS an 18 year Midshipman in HMAS Australia in 1940, we spent time off Bear Island, well above the Arctic Circle and so I qualified for this Award.
"Little Tukey! Little Tukey!" cried someone near. It was a seaman, quite a little personage, so little as if he were a midshipman; but a midshipman it was not.
Here he lived too, in skipper-like state, all alone with his nephew Walter: a boy of fourteen who looked quite enough like a midshipman, to carry out the prevailing idea.
Here he lived too, in skipper-like state, all alone with his nephew Walter: a boy of fourteen who looked quite enough like a midshipman, to carry out the prevailing idea.